Living Like A Local – Apply These 3 Incentive Travel Trends Now


The world of incentive travel is changing – it’s no longer just about the destination. It’s about an immersive, engaging experience.

Incorporating destination-specific elements helps your attendees truly experience a destination. If you want to really get to know a destination, you’ve got to ditch the guided tour and hit the backstreets like a local. Here are 3 incentive travel trends to apply to your next trip:


1. Personal Culinary Experiences

Give your guests a culinary experience they can’t get in any other place. There’s no better way to feel like a local than to eat like one.


2. Volunteering on Vacation

No matter where you go in the world, there’s a local cause that would appreciate the time and energy of your attendees. Guests will leave with a sense of gratitude towards being able to make a difference in that community.


3. Authentic Activities

Incentive travelers desire new experiences, especially younger Millennials. Collaborating with destination partners to offer activities that are unique to the location can be the icing on the cake for an incentive trip.