Driving Innovation through Diversity: Supplier Diversity’s Vital Role to Play


At LEO Events, supplier diversity is more than a checkbox on a corporate to-do list; it’s a reflection of our commitment to fostering inclusivity and fairness in how we conduct business. We understand the importance of supplier diversity as not only a business strategy but also as a fundamental aspect of our ethos.

To us, a diverse supplier represents more than just ownership statistics; it embodies resilience, determination, and untapped potential. Diverse suppliers are at least 51% owned and operated by an individual or group that is part of a historically underrepresented or underserved group in the business world, such as minorities, women, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ community. By actively seeking out and engaging diverse suppliers, LEO contributes to creating a more just and inclusive economy.

LEO Events is a woman-owned business and certified diverse supplier through WBENC (Women’s Business Enterprise National Council), giving us a unique insight as both a provider and consumer of diverse suppliers.

Diversifying helps level the playing field but also harnesses the power of unique perspectives to drive innovation and stay ahead of the curve. LEO recognizes that diverse suppliers bring fresh insights, unique experiences, and innovative solutions to the table. They challenge the status quo, push boundaries, and help us see things from new angles – ultimately enhancing our competitive edge.

Moreover, supplier diversity isn’t merely a nice-to-have; it’s a business imperative. Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion are not only more attractive to investors and consumers but also more resilient and adaptable in the face of change. That’s why LEO prioritizes supplier diversity as part of our broader commitment to thoughtful strategies, measurable results, and sustainable practices. We recognize that diversity drives creativity, innovation, and, ultimately, success. By investing in diverse suppliers, LEO creates economic opportunities and pathways to prosperity for individuals and communities alike.

At LEO Events, supplier diversity is more than a policy; it’s part of our DNA. It’s about embodying our values of experience, stability, and perspective in everything we do. We celebrate, support, and grow alongside our diverse partners, knowing that their unique backgrounds enrich our collective journey. We are The Solutions People, committed to fostering an inclusive business ecosystem where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.