Event Safety & Security: 6 Tips for Minimizing Risk


In the era of routine terrorist attacks, record-breaking natural disasters and devasting cyber security breaches, ensuring event safety and security has never been more important. Yet many in the industry are rightfully asking, “How could this have been avoided” and “Where did we go wrong?”  By following the six simple steps below, event professionals can rest easy knowing they have the resources to eliminate foreseeable risks, while also preparing for the dreaded worst-case scenario.


Handle All Events Equally

No matter the crowd size, or location of the event, your safety strategy should remain the same. Mishaps can happen anywhere, anytime, and a concrete plan should reflect that. If every, tiny scenario is treated like a serious case, it shows that safety is the number one priority.


Get the Coverage

There are many options when it comes to purchasing event insurance. Whichever plan you choose will depend on the location, nature and size of the event. Having an insurance representative on-site is another applicable approach. At large-scale events like music festivals, LEO Events often confirms ahead of time that an insurance agent is available for the duration of the event.


Prepare for the Inevitable

From heart attacks to broken limbs, medical emergencies can and will arise at events. The trick is to take preventative measures and be prepared for these scenarios ahead of time. Providing complimentary water to attendees at outdoor summer events to prevent dehydration, for example, has become a standard precautionary practice.

Hiring medical personnel like EMTs is a necessity for events of all sizes. For music festivals, LEO often hires “rock docs” that are familiar with the most common types of medical emergencies found at concerts, like exhaustion, insect bites, allergic reactions, severe sunburns and more.


Protect Your Data

In a social media driven era, especially during live events, safeguarding against digital dangers is a vital component to your safety plan. Whenever possible, having an “intranet” dependent production, rather than relying on an internet connection, can greatly assist in your cybersecurity measures.


Calm Before the Storm

As any event organizer can confirm, severe weather can have a disastrous effect on outdoor and indoor events. Event pros must make it a top priority to be aware of potential weather-related dangers during their event. “It’s really about making the call far enough ahead of time,” says LEO’s Senior Technical Director, Jim Dorroh. “We are tied directly into the National Weather System. And, we start monitoring the first minute of load-in. Should there be a lightning strike within seven miles of our site, everyone is called indoors.”


Communicate Effectively

Well-defined communication is a fundamental component to any event. Establishing communication with the local police and fire department is important, especially when it comes to determining the protocol for an active shooter (or any other mass causality) scenario.  Local agencies will often specify that they have a safety plan without revealing the details but ensuring that your staff has all the applicable points regarding the proper procedure.

LEO frequently hosts and organizes tabletop exercises as another tool to engage the necessary officials in advance. These drills provide a forum to have high-level discussions with stakeholders to better prepare and familiarize your staff with the chain of command.