Planning With Confidence When Your Event Goes Virtual


We’ll say it first: You can’t replace face-to-face. Yet as the coronavirus pandemic progresses, most of this year’s remaining events must shift to digital venues.

For brands, agencies, and attendees fueled by experience, tradition, and the incredible impact of in-person connection, moving the magnificent symphony of an immersive physical event to screens we don’t even control is a daunting and fretful task.

So, the challenge becomes: How do you deliver a standout virtual experience that achieves your original event objectives and meets the elevated expectations of your most skeptical attendees?

Look at it like any other change of venue. While the online-only experience will be undeniably different, the fundamentals of savvy, successful production remain at the center of a sound strategy. The virtual event you create should be guided by three organizing principles, which will be familiar to seasoned planners:

PURPOSE: Why is your event important? Who are you trying to reach?

Commit to your intentions. Design every single element of your event around them, so attendees find the connection and value they seek. A shared sense of belonging will keep people active and absorbed.

PARTNER: Who can you trust to execute? Who do you want by your side?

It’s imperative to separate the production from the platform. The best events are products of deep, methodical collaboration between trusted partners – regardless of time, place, and space. Build the right team before deciding on technology.

 PLATFORM: What’s the right software? How can you be sure?

The platform you deploy is the vehicle you’ll be depending on to deliver the experience you worked so hard to create. Accessibility, reliability, security, flexibility, and simplicity are critical considerations in a smart selection process. Work with your partners to make an informed choice, to preserve the integrity and quality of your event.

Moving your event to a digital venue should never mean lowering your standards, constraining creative, or sacrificing sentiment. A slick interface or cool feature sets are meaningless if they don’t align with your objectives.

LEO Events is platform neutral. We execute virtual events alongside any credible provider. Between well-known enterprise and consumer platforms, in-house solutions from agencies, and dozens of splashy startups, there are countless choices. We can help you establish the criteria, evaluate the options, and integrate the right product.

We know, these conditions are strange. The stakes are high. Every day brings new data, and all the offers and opinions out there are dizzying. Still, right now, this pivot is necessary. And we’re here to help.

To make the most of this challenging moment, look to LEO.
